Working Group Independent Chair

Simon Ngawhika

Pip Best
Pip and Simon represent EY as the Circular E-Stewards Network’s independent chair providing secretariat and project management services. Both Pip and Simon hold leading roles in EY’s Change and Sustainability Services New Zealand practice. As part of EY’s global purpose of building a better working world, the Climate Change and Sustainability team seek to inspire, their clients and communities towards a healthier, safer and more sustainable future. As a global organisation, EY has significant expertise and experience in delivering and supporting community engagement work.
Working Group Project Manager

Michael Dudley
TechCollect NZ
Michael Dudley is the Senior Policy Manager at TechCollect NZ Limited and is committed to pursuing improved product stewardship and circular economy outcomes for priority products in New Zealand. Michael works broadly across government, industry, academia and communities to develop fit-for-purpose solutions in a collaborative way with those who can make the greatest impact. Michael is an experienced supply chain practitioner having supported the initial design and implementation of Australia’s National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS). Michael was also a key representative on Victoria’s E-waste Working Group leading the development of Victoria’s $15 million E-waste Infrastructure Support Program with the goal of increasing community access to e-waste disposal points and expanding the capacity of Victoria’s collection network.
Working Group Observer

Dana Peterson
Ministry for the Environment
Dana represents the Ministry for the Environment who provide project governance and oversight guidance to the working group. Dana has extensive experience in central government waste minimisation programs, most recently through the phase out of single use plastic bags and the declaration of the six priority products for regulated product stewardship. Dana’s commitment to service at the Ministry for the Environment earned her the Public Service Commissioner’s Commendation for Frontline Excellence in 2020.
Working Group Members

Kahurangi Carter
Para Kore
Kahurangi is an Advisor Manager with Para Kore, a recycling and waste management organisation with a focus on marae. She has extensive experience in community engagement and in managing stakeholder relationships, including with Māori groups and audiences. Kahurangi’s knowledge and skills in sustainability and Te Ao Māori enable a unique perspective on waste management.

Ruth Clarke
Territorial Authorities Officers’ Forum
Ruth represents the Territorial Authorities Officers’ Forum which was set up to create consistency and efficiency of service amongst territorial authorities through sharing knowledge and best practice around waste, recycling and resource recovery. Ruth has worked in local government for nearly a decade and a half and recently took up the role of Waste Projects Manager at the Kāpiti Coast District Council. Prior to this, Ruth worked for the Timaru District Council as the Waste Minimisation Manager.

Karen Driver
Zero Waste Network Aotearoa
Karen represents the Zero Waste Network Aotearoa, a member-based organisation, representing community enterprises across the country who are working towards zero waste. Karen has represented ZWN members to develop a national network of community enterprises that provide e-waste recovery services and has advocated for e-waste product stewardship since 2009. Karen has been involved in both local and national work to support households and businesses to reduce waste since 2006.

Tim Findlay
Remarkit Solutions Ltd
Tim is the Managing Director of Remarkit Solutions Ltd which was established in 2000 and professionally manages the commissioning, decommissioning and remarketing of Information Technology (IT) equipment. Remarkit has completed a number of significant projects for some of New Zealand and Australia’s largest corporations, leasing companies and government agencies.

Peter Gallagher
Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Peter is the National Advisor for Fire Risk Management at Fire and Emergency New Zealand. Peter has served with Fire and Emergency for 24 years and is recognised by local industry as an expert in many areas of safety. Peter is recognised internationally for his abilities in conducting Fire and Explosion Investigation.

Pascal Leroy
WEEE Forum
Pascal is the Director General at the WEEE Forum, an organisation which represents forty-three for-impact not-for-profit producer responsibility organisations on all continents around the globe. Pascal brings to the working group an international perspective on product stewardship schemes. He has led the creation of the WEEELABEX service which oversees the auditing of WEEE operations in Europe and training of WEEELABEX auditors. He has been involved in grant-funded projects that seek to put the EPR principle into practice in Europe, Africa and Asia, and that are geared towards enhancing the resource efficiency and circularity of the European economy.

Peter Morfee
Worksafe New Zealand
Peter Morfee is the Head of Energy Safety at Worksafe New Zealand. Peter has several years of experience in the management of workplace safety and brings with him a wide range of knowledge and understanding of how to design and align new initiatives and schemes to relevant Health and Safety legislation.

Fiona Mulder
Retail NZ
Fiona is a Public Affairs Advisor with Retail NZ, an organisation which provides advocacy for issues that impact the retail industry. Fiona is focussed on ensuring that the challenges and opportunities facing retailers in New Zealand are considered in the development of new regulations.

Sarah Pritchett
Sarah Pritchett is Sector Projects Manager at WasteMINZ, the largest representative body of the waste, resource recovery and contaminated land sectors in New Zealand. Sarah currently coordinates the Product Stewardship Sector Group, the Territorial Authorities Forum and the Organic Materials Sector Group. Her work with the Product Stewardship Sector Group includes providing support for the Battery Industry Group and facilitating a Right to Repair working group.

Paul Smith
Consumer NZ
Paul is the Product Test Manager at Consumer NZ and provides the working group with insights into consumer trends and understanding of e-waste. Paul’s focus is making sure people can make informed purchase decisions as a result of the Consumer’s independent product tests. He leads the Built to Last campaign, aiming to ensure fewer appliances end up as landfill. The campaign advises consumers how to choose longer-lasting appliances and devices, encourages retailers and manufacturers to make more durable products, and will introduce durability to Consumer NZ product performance testing.

Michael Van Der Merwe
Abilities Group
Michael is the Business Development Manager at Abilities Group, a company that supports people with disabilities into work which includes the processing of e-waste. Michael has over a decade of experience in the waste recovery sector having worked for Sims Recycling and Metal Management before shifting to Abilities Group.

Carla Vasconi
Carla works as the Sustainability Programs Manager for Australia and New Zealand Recycling Platform Limited (ANZRP), a product stewardship organisation for e-waste whose members include leading global IT brands and retailers . Carla is responsible for compliance, sustainability and member take back program development. She also sits on the Standards Australia E-waste Committee and the Technical Advisor Committee for the R2 Standard.

Laurence Zwimpfer
eDay New Zealand Trust
Laurence is the Chairperson of the eDay New Zealand Trust, which advocates for sustainable and responsible e-waste collection and recycling in New Zealand. Laurence has had extensive experience with the management of e-waste, having led the national eDay e-waste collection initiative for five years and advocated for the development of e-waste product stewardship for fifteen years. Laurence is also the operations director and trustee of the Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa, a not-for-profit collaboration of over 300 organisations providing equitable opportunities for all New Zealanders to participate in the digital world.

Alvin Piadasa
TES-AMM Australia and New Zealand
Alvin is the founder and former managing director of TES-AMM Australia and New Zealand which is part of the TES Group of companies, a leading global IT sustainability services company. At TES Alvin was the key proponent of product reuse and circular economy strategies, which helped transform the group from an e-recycling company to a complete IT lifecycle service organisation. In his current role as group sustainability director, Alvin is responsible for driving innovation, sustainability, carbon and advocacy initiatives worldwide. He is a board member with Keep Australia Beautiful (NSW) and sits on the technical advisory committee of the R2 standard.